Contact PitCharger Manure Solutions
Contact us to discuss your manure management plan and how we can help.
For further information regarding PitCharger products and services, call us at 833-258-7631 or email info@pitcharger.com.
Or complete the form below and we will contact you.
Healthy Pit Environment...Healthier Animals...Excellent ROI
The FDA's new antibiotic regulations that became effective in January 2017 are aimed at the use of antibiotics in food animal production. Managing the environment by using PitCharger products improves the health of animals and reduces the need for antibiotics. A year long health and welfare study involving 58,000 hogs showed a reduction in odor with the use of PitCharger. The results of a healthier environment included:
- Decreasing the mortality rate by .007%, increasing revenue by $3675.
- Reducing medical costs by $2225 annually.
What The Experts Say...
We called Dr. Broderson, of the University of Nebraska — Lincoln Veterinary Diagnostic Center, as a result of this data. He related that pit gases cause stress on the mucous membranes lining the respiratory tract, resulting in respiratory diseases. By reducing these gases, you improve the probability that your hogs will not develop these tears in their airways. Therefore, pathogens are not able to establish infections in the lungs of your hogs as easily. Dr. Bundy’s year long Iowa State/Farmland study documented that PitCharger reduced hydrogen sulfide and ammonia along with overall odor by 50% compared with untreated buildings. This reduction is significant when you consider that the 50% reduction was measured at the source – inside the buildings – not a quarter-mile away. The same benefits that apply to the hogs also apply to humans working in these buildings or living nearby.
When Ordering...
- Type of livestock (dairy, cattle, hog, poultry)
- Number of head and at what stage of production (finishing, nursery, etc)
- Confinement facility manure management structure (depth of pits, lagoon, etc.)
- Manure management procedures (disenfectant use, water use, etc.)
- Goals for manure pumped-out (use as fertilizer for example)
Quantity Guidelines
The biggest consideration when determining how much PitCharger product to use is the number of head and stage of production.
Gestation/Farrowing...1 Quart per 250 sows
Nursery...1 gallon per 1,000 hogs
Finishing...1 gallon per 1,000 hogs
Shipping PitCharger To Your Facility
- PitCharger is shipped to your facility in 5 gallon buckets and will contain the exact amount you will need to use for one treatment.
- Quantity shipped is determined by problem, type of system and number and type of livestock.
- Remember that Pitcharger consists of live bacteria, and should be applied within 30-45 days of receipt.
- We recommend treatment for at least 3 months to assess the progress.
Storage And Freezing.....
Store in a cool environment. If PitCharger accidentally freezes, the bacteria simply go dormant until they are allowed to thaw.To return to liquid state, place at normal room temperature for a day or two to thaw and then apply as usual.
Auto-Ship Program
We can ship product each month automatically. No need to call to place your order AND it is a good reminder to apply the product to your manure system.